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Peace of Mind
poetry by: Hailey Greenstone
Do you ever just want to disappear?
After all
We are made from dust
Wouldn’t it be nice to return to that place
To rediscover entropy for what it is
Why do we all run from the chaos?
The universe wants us to let go
Will you listen?
Maybe if we gave into that little voice that says
Scream. Or dance. Or laugh. Cry. Smile.
Speak up. Talk about everything.
The broken parts, yes, but also
The dreams and the crazy thoughts
The metaphors and unanswered questions and
Unquestioned answers
Tell the whole universe who you are
Who you want to be
And I know that
Even when the world doesn’t know
What to do with you
Embracing the chaos is far more peaceful
Than keeping up appearances ever could be
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